If you want to secure the best possible rates, you are going to want to make sure you shop around and get quotes from various insurance companies at least once a year. This will allow you to see if your current provider, or if a different provider, can offer you the best rates. When it comes to getting auto insurance quotes, it is important to have the right information on hand.

1. Basic Information

First, you will be asked to provide basic information, such as your name, address, and birthday. They will also ask you about your occupation or field of work.

2. Driver Information

Second, you will need to provide your driver's license information. You will be asked to provide your driver's license number. You may be asked to provide information about when your licenses were first issued. If you are going to have anyone else on your policy, you need to make sure you have their driver's license information as well.

3. Vehicle Information

Third, you are going to need to provide detailed information about your vehicle. You need to know the vehicle identification number of your specific vehicle. You will be expected to share if you own or lease the car and if you lease the car, who holds the title on the car.

You should have a list of safety features your vehicle has. Although the company may have basic information about the safety features for different cars, you should always verify all safety features your vehicle has been covered, as safety features result in discounts.

4. Vehicle Usage Information 

You will also need to provide the current mileage of your vehicle, as well as the annual mileage you put on your vehicle. It is important to provide accurate information, as the number of miles you drive can impact your rates. You may also be asked if you use the vehicle for commuting to work, leisure, or business. If you use the vehicle for business at all, you are going to need to get a business auto policy quote instead of just a personal auto insurance quote.

5. Driver History

Next, you will need to provide a driver's history. This history usually has to span five years. Your driver's history should include all information such as accidents, tickets, and violations. Leaving out this information can result in an inaccurate quote.

6. Coverage Needs

Finally, you need to know what type of coverage you want. By requesting quotes with the same level of coverage from different companies, you will be better able to compare the quotes.

You can either fill out forms online, or you can call up insurance agents to get quotes. Oftentimes, you get more detailed quotes when you call an insurance agent instead of relying on the forms. When comparing quotes, be sure to look at the coverage offered, and pay attention as much to the difference in coverage as the difference in prices between different quotes.
